Mike - Our time in London was a little hard, but of course great to see Rob! What a guy! We can't wait to go back in July.
Becky and I slowly made our way through Heathrow to find our next flight, stopping every 10 minutes to visit the restroom! I think we learned our lesson from the first flight however - and we both took Gravol immediately when we took our seats. We instantly became zombies and passed out for the next 8 hours. It was glorious! Simply...the best. We woke up feeling much better, but still pretty groggy and definitely not 100%.
We arrived in Nairobi early Sunday morning at 6am - found our luggage, and made our way through a maze to find our next flight to Kisumu. When we stepped out of the airport, the air was humid and scrumptulously warm! Becky was DEFINITELY in heaven...haha!
We walked out onto the tarmac to board the flight to Kisumu, and that is the picture you see attached to this post. For any of you who don't know, Becky dyed her hair dark and I shaved my head! Yay!
When we soared above the clouds in Nairobi on our way to Kisumu, the sky was amazingly blue and the sun was so hot! We were definitely in Africa. OH - and we were the only white people. That too, hehe.
LOVE your hair! Both of you!