Mike and Becky!

Mike and Becky!
We Love You!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Pet Monster!

Becky - I made a new friend! I missed our tiny friends at Disciples of Mercy...but we have new friends here...and they're bigger! Hehe! And My Pet Monster doesn't have handcuffs to turn him into a stuffed toy....or am I the only one who watched that show...ahem.
Anyways! Apparently these little nuggets are really skittish and elusive - but this one jumped from the roof right into my hands! So we played together for a while...and swore a pact of friendship together.


  1. http://jewelq.multiply.com/video/item/5/My_Pet_Monster

    that kid can hit some high notes.

  2. haha...DEFINITELY hasn't hit puberty yet!
