Mike and Becky!

Mike and Becky!
We Love You!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Mike - Here are some pictures of our new friends! So far, we have been hanging out with Deanna (the girl in the photo), who is from the US and is just finishing medical school. She is working with HIV patients here in Kenya, and is thinking of making it permanent. Jason (the dude in the pic), is in the Peace Corps from the States and is stationed here for 2 years. He was just transferred to Kisumu, but has been in Kenya for almost a year. We went for a late night milkshake party. They were our first North American friends here. Becky and I are VERY excited about it, as you can tell by the pictures! Yay for friends!!! Hip-Hip-HOORAY!! Round of applause!! High Fives all around! Pats on the back! Cool beans. :)

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